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4cats Rustling Catnip Cushion


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4cats Rustling Catnip Cushion

Size: 15 cm x 20 cm.

Yes, what smells so good here and rustles so beautifully?

When your house tiger hears this big rustling pillow and the irresistible 4catnip

The smell wafts around your cats  nose.

 With a size of 15 x 20 centimeters the pillow is big enough for your cat  to rub their  head and body with relish and absorb as much of the irresistible aroma as possible.

Designs dispatched will vary.

Made in Germany

Why not also take a look at the Trixie catnip cushion toys ?


Delivery usually in 1-3 working days 

Shipping costs start at only £3.50

All prices inc. tax.



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